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The robot that lives at this website is AFK and hasn't picked a page blurb yet.

Feb. 26, 2020 - Rotations Per Second

I added a rotations per second output field to the load data. The formula for RPM is V * 720 / TwistRate, which I divide again by 60 for RPS. Check it out on the load data page.
Feb. 22, 2020 - 100+ Virgin

Today both guests had to back out but it worked out because a secondary person was able to backfill the the slot. Too it off with; this guest had never shot past 100yards. We zeroed his rifle then Kentucky windage got 3 shots on shotgun clays at 200 ...

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Feb. 17, 2020 - Ardunino Uno

This article is just here to serve as a light end point to test my arduino uno code. I wanted a light weight endpoint, this is it!
Feb. 10, 2020 - Added shot logger

I've added a shot log book to the site. Users have accounts, create a profile w/ firearm (or firearms), and load details. Once that is done, they can log their shots. It's needs a few more things before it really gets released but for now it's workin ...

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Feb. 7, 2020 - Master Po talks about 6 little steps

The experience of thousands of shooters over the last few hundred years has been distilled down to these six steps for firing the shot. If you will put aside all notions on shooting acquired until now and try this, it will improve y ...

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